~Feel free to submit your favourite pet stories, memories, photos, favourite tips & information links by emailing me at mroy@vianet.ca

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

~Holiday Stress.....Does it affect your cat too?

This post discusses the impact that our holidays and extra house guests can have on your feline friends.  Some cats are very social and love the extra attention, while timid cats will feel very stressed with all of the extra 'hustle & bustle' going on around them.  Who are all these people, and why are they here?

Here's my 2 cents, and I'll have some extra information links in here as well!

Holidays and company can interfere with their solitary nature and desire for peace and routine.  It is important to make sure that they have a safe hiding place should they need it, away from children and other distractions.  Be sure to have their food, water, and litter box in their "safety-zone"!

If you are traveling with your pet in the car, or airport, holidays can be very stressful for obvious reasons.  Most cats have a strong dislike for kennels and trips.  Just going to the vet sets my cats into a frenzy!  Sometimes vets will provide sedatives and tips for traveling with your pets.

Ask your vet's office what they recommend---and Good Luck---May the Force Be With You!!!!

Ear plugs are recommended (Just Kidding!), and be sure you have some extra kennel bedding or towels, paper towels and wet-wipes on hand because if your cats are like mine, you will need them!!!  Spray scent or other air-freshers may come in handy too!  I always travel with a companion because you never know when you may require an extra set of hands on the side of road for clean-ups of various yuckies which inevitably come with traveling with cats.

Airline travel tips

Car travel tips

BE CAREFUL of breakable ornaments on your tree and around the house.  Cats are very playful and inquisitive by nature, and if they're anything like my girls they will swat at the balls on the tree, or try to climb it.  Should a glass ball fall to the floor and shatter it could mean injury to your pet, as well as to others that may inadvertently step on it.  This is especially a concern for young children that may be crawling around on the floor.

Be careful with tinsel as well.  I remember as a child, seeing my cat with an 'icicle' string hanging out of her hind-end.  I guess she thought it was tasty and swallowed it.  It didn't come out the other side as easily as it went in.  I can't imagine it's easy to swallow either and could possibly become a real choking or digestive hazard.

Make sure to keep an extra eye on your cats around lit candles.  I've had my cat singe her whiskers when she jumped up to investigate and sniff it.  Lucky for her it was in a glass jar and she didn't actually touch the flame with her nose.  Always make sure your burning candles are where you can see them at all times, for your everyone's sake----pets included!

Be careful of unattended food as well.  Seafood, meat, and cheese are tempting treats for humans this time of  year----and Fluffy probably would love to have a taste too!

CHOCOLATE IS POISONOUS AND LETHAL FOR YOUR DOGS!!!!!  Had to add that, even though this is a post about cats!

For more information, check out this link:
Please scroll down to read some information about finding cat-sitters, boarding kennels, and airline travel regulations and tips!

Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings to you and your pets!

1 comment:

  1. Your reminder about dogs and chocolate, we are aware of that and have been since we got our little dog two and a half years ago. He did get into something though, we think, but will never be sure. Possibly chocolate, from the aftermath of Hallowe'en, possibly the coffee we always caught him trying to get at. We caught him actually on the table a few times slurping unattended coffee. Anyway the reminder about chocolate is timely. Thanks.


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